
At Thistley Hough Academy, we believe that homework should be set to consolidate learning, allowing students to practise the retrieval and application of key knowledge and procedures.

A variety of tasks may be set for homework, designed to encourage students to explore a range of resources, including in many cases digital learning platforms. Some departments may also choose to set an extended piece of work which may be set across several weeks.

Appropriate marking and feedback will be given in a timely fashion, which may include self-marking and diagnostic tools which self-mark, as well as classroom teacher feedback.

SubjectFrequencyTimingsActivityAdditional Info/Links
ArtKS3 Termly
KS4 1x Week
1hourProject based artist research tasks
English1x Week30mins
Activities include:
Completion of analysis paragraphs and essay style questions; quote revision and knowledge quizzes
Geography1x Week30minsEducake online platform- knowledge quizzesClick Here
HistoryKS3 Termly
KS4 1x Week
30mins 1hourEducake online platform- knowledge quizzesClick Here
Maths1x Week1hourSparx online platformClick Here
MFL1x Weekly30mins 1hourActivities include:
Vocabulary quizzes on Memrise; extended written responses
Click Here
Performing Arts1x FortnightVariedProject based tasks
Activities include:
Creating a 3d mask to show a character
Writing a song / poem to portray a character in musical theatre;
Line learning
Click Here
Religion & World ViewsTermly1-2
Retrieval practice quizzing
Science1x Week30minsSENECA online platformClick Here
SportKS4 1x Week30mins
 Activities include:
Completion of classwork and revision/ retrieval-based activities
TechnologyKS3 Termly
KS4 Week
30minsSENECA online platformClick Here

Timings stated are approximate.

Occasionally, homework may not be set every week. Homework is set when it can play an important part in the learning process and not just for the sake of setting homework.